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76 images
Created 26 May 2019
Well Known Jordanian tourist spots such as Wadi Rum and Petra
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Byzantine mosaic.jpg
The 6th Century Byzantine mosaic Mad...jpg
Saint Simeon Mosaic in Saint George&...jpg
Remnants of the Roman Road at Mount ...jpg
Mount Nebo Byzantine mosaic from 530...jpg
Shobak Crusader Castle.jpg
Shobak crusader castle.jpg
Al-Khazneh - The Treasury.jpg
The Street of Facades in Petra.jpg
The Petra
The Ad Deir monastery in Petra.jpg
Steps along the old processional rou...jpg
The Great Temple.jpg
Facade of the Palace Tomb.jpg
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom in Wadi ...jpg
Lone Camel crossing the harssh deser...jpg
The intersection of the Cardo Maximu...jpg
The Northern Tetrapylon and the Nort...jpg
Cardo Maximus in Jerash.jpg
The oval Roman Forum in Jerash.jpg
View of plaza at Jerash from Temple ...jpg
South Theater in the Ancient Roman c...jpg
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